DECEMBER 11, 2024
A Regular Meeting of the Township Trustees of the Town of Alton, Illinois was held on the above date in the City Council Chambers, City Hall Building, at the hour of 6:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bohart and on Call of Roll, the following members were present or absent:
PRESENT: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
Also in attendance were, Alton Township Attorney Matt Kelly and Alton Township
Assessor Sheryl Beilsmith.
Mrs. Brown made a motion, seconded by Mr. Meehan, that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 26, 2024 be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
NAYS: None – 0
Chairman Bohart presented the Monthly Report for November 2024, (All Funds): Town Fund in the amount of $862,626.17; General Assistance Fund in the amount of $177,517.30; Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund in the amount of $84,194.43; Social Security Fund in the amount of $76,192.09; Town Savings Fund in the amount of $202,485.21. Mr. Gan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Brown, that the Monthly Report be approved and placed on file. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
NAYS: None – 0
Chairman Bohart presented the Report and Listing of Bills for Payment and Action by Board; General Assistance Fund in the amount of $10,083.20; Town Fund in the amount of $12,506.82; Social Security fund in the amount of $1,088.30. Mr. Gan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Allen, that said Bill Listing be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
NAYS: None – 0
Chairman Bohart presented the 2025 Alton Township Tax Levy Ordinance and
Certificate of Tax Levy. Mr. Gan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Allen, that the 2025 Alton Township Tax Levy Ordinance and Certificate of Tax Levy be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
NAYS: None – 0
Chairman Bohart presented the Alton Township Schedule of the Regular Board Meetings for 2025 and the 2025 Holiday Schedule.
Attorney Matt Kelly discussed community donations.
Chairman Bohart presented the following Ordinance:
Ordinance No._____
The following rules shall apply to all meetings of the Board of Town Trustees for the Town of Alton, Illinois;
Persons desiring to address the Board of Trustees for Alton Township shall do so
during the Public Comment period on the agenda of the Township Board meeting.
Public Comments at other times during said meetings shall be solely at the discretion of the Township Supervisor. The Township Supervisor will be responsible for directing compliance with these rules.
Public comments are to be limited to no more than three minutes per speaker unless additional time is granted at the discretion of the Township Supervisor. The granting of additional time to one or more speakers on one or more occasions does not entitle other speakers at the meeting or any other meeting to have additional time to address the Township Board.
Where multiple speakers desire to address the Township Board on the same topic,
repetitive or surplus comments may be limited by the Township Supervisor.
The Township Board is not required to engage in dialog with or respond to questions from those making comments to the Township Board during the Public Comment period. However, Township Board members and the Township Supervisor may do so at their discretion. The Public Comment period is intended to afford members of the public with an opportunity to express their views to the Township Board.
All persons addressing the Township Board must do so in a civil and appropriate manner. Rude, disruptive, or abusive language or behavior will not be condoned. Comments which are profane, defamatory, disparaging or constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy will not be allowed. Persons in violation of the foregoing section will be directed by the Township Supervisor to cease specking and will leave the meeting as appropriate under the circumstances.
A copy of these rules shall be available on the Township website and may be
amended or revised from time to time as determined by the Board of Trustees in its
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage, approval.
Mr. Gan made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Brown, that the said ordinance be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
NAYS: None – 0
There being no further business to come before the Board of Trustees at this time, Mrs. Elliott made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Brown, that the meeting adjourn. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Gan – 7
NAYS: None – 0