NOVEMBER 21, 2023
A Regular Meeting of the Township Trustees of the Town of Alton, Illinois was held on
the above date in the City Council Chambers, City Hall Building, at the hour of 6:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bohart and on Call of Roll, the following
members were present or absent:
PRESENT: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Keener – 7
ABSENT: None – 0
Also, in attendance was Alton Township Assessor Sheryl Beilsmith and Alton Township
Attorney Matt Kelly.
Mrs. Brown made a motion, seconded by Mr. Meehan, that the minutes of the regular
meeting of November 8, 2023 be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Keener – 7
NAYS: None – 0
Chairman Bohart presented the Report and Listing of Bills for Payment and Action by
Board; General Assistance Fund in the amount of $7,931.22; Town Fund in the amount of $19,759.56; Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund in the amount of $911.16. Social Security fund in the amount of $1,188.20. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Keener, that said Bill Listing be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Keener – 7
NAYS: None – 0
Supervisor Bohart presented a Resolution regarding Settlement and Intergovernmental
WHEREAS, Olin Winchester, LLC (“Olin”) currently owns certain real property located
in Madison County, Illinois, which property is devoted to manufacturing, agricultural and other uses and which property is identified as of the date of this Agreement under the active tax parcel identification numbers set forth on the attached Exhibit A. The active tax parcels identified on Exhibit A shall be referred to as the “Olin Property,” regardless of whether the tax identification numbers or parcel delineations for said property change during the term of this Agreement, and the parties agree to allow technical corrections to the parcel identification numbers on Exhibit A consistent with the intent of this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, Alton Community Unit School District No.11, Alton Township, Bethalto
Community Unit School District No.8, City of Alton, East Alton Elementary School District No. 13, East Alton Public Library District, East Alton-Wood River Community High School District No.14, Lewis & Clark College #536, Hayner Library District, Madison County, Illinois, St. Louis Regional Airport Authority, Village of East Alton, Illinois, Wood River Township Road and Bridge District, Wood River Township, Wood River Township Hospital, and Wood River-Harford School District 15 are units of local government and/or school districts that levy a property tax on the Olin Property (“collectively” “Taxing Districts”). Mr. Keener made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Keener – 7
NAYS: None – 0
There being no further business to come before the Board of Trustees at this time, Mrs.
Elliott made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Brown, that the meeting adjourn. The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Allen, MacAfee, Strebel, Brown, Meehan, Elliott, Keener – 7
NAYS: None – 0